The overarching goals and objectives of the African Single Electricity Market (AfSEM) are ambitious and bold in nature. Yet, they are aligned with the harnessing of Africa's existing natural energy generating resources and seeking a suitable mechanism by which to inter-connect the various and multiple power grids across the continent, to realise sustainable growth and development. In order to achieve these bold objectives, several challenges exist which must be dealt with in a strategic, continental, mutually beneficial manner. This session aims to address the following questions: Which challenges (regulatory, financial, technical) does the continent face in enabling grid connection and access to energy for all? Are there region-specific challenges to consider? What role(s) could the private sector play in progressing these ambitions? And where do Development Finance Institutions/Multilateral Development Banks see their role in this?
11:00 am - 11:05 amModeration
11:05 am - 12:30 pmThe Role of the African Private Sector in Achieving the AfSEM-CMP