Organizer of Intersolar Summit Africa

Solar Promotion International GmbH

Solar Promotion GmbH and its subsidiary Solar Promotion International GmbH organize global exhibitions and conferences in the fields of renewable energies and energy efficiency. The portfolio includes events for the areas of photovoltaics, PV production technologies, energy storage, smart renewable energy, solar thermal technologies, solar architecture, energy efficient buildings and the use of biomass in power generation. This includes the exhibitions and conferences Intersolar Europe, Intersolar North America, Intersolar South America, Intersolar Middle East, Intersolar India, Interpellets, Gebäude.Energie.Technik (GETEC) and the Intersolar Summits, among others.

Solar Promotion International GmbH
P.O. Box 100 170
75101 Pforzheim, Germany

Tel.: +49 7231 58598-0
Fax: +49 7231 58598-28

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