Allan Munyua

Job Title
Senior Investment Director
Kipeto Energy PLC

Allan is a Senior Investment Director at Meridiam and is currently the serving as the CEO at Kipeto Energy PLC, a 102MW wind power plant in Kajiado, Kenya. He has over 20 years of experience in the Infrastructure Sector. Meridiam is a developer and long-term investor in infrastructure projects across 3 focus areas including; renewable energy and clean energy transi􀆟on; sustainable mobility; and cri􀆟cal public services. Meridiam has +$20bn of assets under management in Europe, North America and Africa. Having joined Meridiam in 2016, Allan was responsible for establishing Meridiam's ac􀆟vi􀆟es in East Africa and has been responsible for development of the investment pipeline, inves􀆟ng in projects and asset management. Prior to joining Meridiam, Allan was a Principal at an East Africa based infrastructure focused investment company where he led the efforts of the firm to iden􀆟fy, develop, finance, on-board and support investments in the power and transport sectors in East and Central Africa. Allan also previously worked at PricewaterhouseCoopers and at an Africa wide housing finance ins􀆟tu􀆟on. Allan obtained a Bachelor of Architecture degree from University of Nairobi, Kenya and subsequently a Masters Degree in Se􀆩lements and Infrastructure Development from Politecnico di Milano, Italy.

March 13, 2025Panel Discussion

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